After several months of refining a design, Metro, Grimshaw, and Gruen Associates and the Metro Board of Directors are ready to move the Union Station Master Plan from planning to implementation. Metro can now pursue the station’s programmatic environmental review, recommended transit improvements, commercial development program, and can seek funding for improvements to the station’s perimeter.
LA Union Station Master plan Grimshaw and Gruen’s
After several months of refining a design, Metro, Grimshaw, and Gruen Associates and the Metro Board of Directors are ready to move the Union Station Master Plan from planning to implementation. Metro can now pursue the station’s programmatic environmental review, recommended transit improvements, commercial development program, and can seek funding for improvements to the station’s perimeter.
The plan will be carried out in phases and tries to improve street level
circulations and vastly expand and upgrade the station’s concourses,
map out mixed-use development site-wide, and provide for the eventual
incorporation of high speed rail. To the west is a large forecourt that
is programmed with open space, tables, seats, a cafe, community amenity
kiosks, bike facilities, water features, and shade trees.
In the design, the concourse behind Union Station is programmed with
more retail and amenities and is significantly widened and opened to
natural light with openings cut between platforms. Accessibility to the
tracks is improved. It has a flaring shape based on the paths of the trains and subways.
The team is also planning approximately 3.25 million square feet of
commercial, retail, residential, and hotel development over the more
than 40 acres that Metro owns around the station. With the support of
the California High Speed Rail Commission, the team is studying a site
east of Vignes Street that encompasses the city’s aging Piper Center for
possible high-speed rail. They are awaiting for funding and the
approval of track alignments.
“This is a completely new way of engaging the city,” said Grimshaw
partner Vincent Chang, who sees the station as a centerpiece and growth
catalyst not only for its neighborhood but for all of downtown LA. His
team hopes to proceed first with the development of the forecourt and
other perimeter spaces, which he calls a “quick win,” then move on to
the more challenging task of rebuilding the concourse, the transit
plaza, and the east portal.
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