The project “Open air” entered for the International Competition for Kaohsiung Port Services designed by JET Architecture aims to pursue and engulf the energetic, radiant and historical city of Kaohsiung, located in Taiwan, urban design, architecture

Competition of Port Services design / Open air

The project “Open air” entered for the International Competition for Kaohsiung Port Services designed by JET Architecture aims to pursue and engulf the energetic, radiant and historical city of Kaohsiung, located in Taiwan. It combines conventional passive strategies with more modern technological applications which allows Openair to extend and welcome the temperate climate into multiple opened and confined areas.

Competition of Port Services Design / Open airCompetition of Port Services Design / Open air
Open air / Competition of Port Services Design Port service Facade
Port Service Design / night
Port Service Design / night

The Port Services Centre Terminal is enclosed by the sea and the city which assists in providing a more refreshing and impressive scenery that allows individuals to be captured and immersed in the environment. Kaohsiung is one of the oldest cities in Taiwan and has always been seen as a prime area for sea ports, becoming the most influence aspect that will elevate Taiwan’s economical stance in the future.

Competition of Port Services design / Open air Open air / Competition of Port Services design
 The city also hosted the 2009 World Games which was seen as a of turning point that kind of converted Kaohsiung status from a historical landmark into a international and social complex. The transforming nature of the city serves as a historical proof to the residence who are also accustomed to the necessities of change, especially those implemented in the postwar era.

Open air / Competition of Port Services design
Open air / Competition of Port Services design

The exterior of the building also possess an inviting nature as the structure is raised and supported by key programs. The outdoor environment also seems to be drawn into the central area where it kind of integrates public areas within the building envelope. The building also displays and highlights specific public areas and also illustrates the impact of technological application in enhancing the overall experience.

Graphic files:

  • Ground Plane

Ground Plane / Open air
  • perspective (3d) structure:

structure of Open air port services
  •  Circulation

Circulation of Open air port services

  • Level 0 m and level + 5 m, +7.5 

Open air port services / First floor + second
  • Level +10 m and level +15 m

Open air port services / First Third + Forth
  • Level +30 m and level +35 m

Open air port services level +30m, level +35
  • Section A A' :

Section / Open air port services
  • Secion B B' :

Section 02  / Open air port services Inside the Port Services (open air):

International Competition for Kaohsiung

International Competition for Kaohsiung
Open air / Competition of Port Services DesignOpen air / Competition of Port Services DesignOpen air / Competition of Port Services Design

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