Free sketchup model modern bedroom, vismat, vray 2.0, textures, free 3d models.

    modern bedroom 01 designer info

    Designed, Modeled and Rendered : Ximo Hernandez
    Work location : Alger / Algeria.
    Currently work as architect
    This beautiful sketchup 3d model is a courtesy by Ximo Hernandez , young architect Algerian, who shared exclusively for us, his 3D project of this modern bedroom, available in sketchup 2014 and sketchup 8 , with all textures, rendered in vray 2.0  , complete of interior Visopt and Vismat.
    Thank you very much Ximo,  for your kind contribution to our community !
                                              Free Sketchup 3D Model & vismat, modern bedroom
    sketchup 3d model modern Modern bedroom 01 
    vray render by Ximo Hernandez
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