UNQ Office Building, the word "office" means different things to different people. to some, an office is just a small room in a buliding with a desk, a phone, and a computer. to others, an office is a spare room in their keep their laptop.

UNQ - Office Building

the word "office" means different things to different people. to some, an office is just a small room in a buliding with a desk, a phone, and a computer. to others, an office is a spare room in their keep their laptop. regardless, it's  important to realise that the idea of what  an office is has expanded over that last few decades. technological innovations have enabled people to collaborate on projects, attend meeting, and even create complex presentations all from their cellphones.

UNQ Office Building
Office Building 3d visualization
Office Building 3ds max visualization
Office Building Iraq
Office Building concept idea
Office Building sketch
Office Building concept idea 01
Office Building concept idea 02
Office Building profile
Office Building visualization
Project: Office buliding.
Design: Rawand A.amine.
Date: January 2017.
location: Erbil, Iraq.

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